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Naturally the world's best beds

We spend 1/3 of our lives in bed

In addition, the rest of our waking hours are greatly influenced by the quality of sleep. Don't let poor sleep quality get in the way of your health and well-being. Experience the transformative impact optimal sleep quality has on your life, without compromise.

„ Jeg kjøpte en Green Sleep seng for 10 år siden. Jeg begynte med en gang å sove langt bedre og følte meg mye mer uthvilt når jeg våknet om morgenen. Jeg gleder meg til hver gang jeg skal gå og legge meg i denne fantastiske sengen! ”

Fredrik Mæhlum, 45 år

„ Jeg hadde slitt med ryggproblemer i mange år og var ikke klar over hvor viktig det var å ha en god madrass. Allerede to uker etter at jeg hadde investert i en Green Sleep seng var ryggproblemene så å si borte. Jeg anbefaler Green Sleep på det sterkeste. ”

Vårin Tekle, 59 år

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Bedroom with a couple

Why Green Sleep - naturally the world's best beds

More deep sleep

Deep sleep is essential for the body's recovery and mental health, and at Green Sleep we place great emphasis on improving the important phases of deep sleep.

Individually customized

Because we have the ability to build each mattress in five different strengths (extra soft, soft, medium, firm, extra firm), in three or four layers and in three zones (shoulders, hips and knees), our bed system allows for the world's best individual fit.

Prevents back and neck pain

Our mattress is designed with a focus on preventing back and neck pain, so you can wake up every morning relaxed and pain-free. The unique pressure relief and ergonomic design ensure that the spine is as straight as possible, reducing strain on the neck and back while sleeping.


Hevea Brasiliensis (100% natural rubber) and its unique coating represent the most optimal mattress materials available. It allows your body to sink perfectly into the mattress, while at the same time the tension of the material lifts you up. This gives a completely unsurpassed feeling of luxurious comfort.

Optimal blood circulation

Our mattress contributes to improved blood circulation during sleep. The advanced design adapts to your body shape, effectively reducing pressure points, promoting optimal blood circulation in the neck, back and hips.

Non - Toxic

For the most optimal sleep, we recommend never laying on springs, foam plastic with foam softeners, or other synthetic materials. We also recommend avoiding metals, metal frames and electromagnetic radiation in or around the bed.

„Madrassene er kommet godt og vel på plass i senga vår og vi sover som «konger» kan vi si etter å ha fått prøvd dette noen netter, helt supert!”

„ Har sovet min første natt i sengen og følt meg merkelig opplagt og lett i hodet i dag. Madrassene er for øvrig praktfulle, og det ser ut som et lykketreff for mannen min Terje også”


Our products

A person in a tree in a rubber tree plantation


You are most welcome to contact us for a natural materials and how the bed system can be tailored for you.
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